Thursday 18 January 2007

People - Dayse Vieira

I first met Dayse when, as skipper of Chrysolite, we arrived in Salvador, Bahia, in June 1997 in the first Clipper race. Dayse was the ‘Official Welcomer’ and her duties consisted of greeting all sailors with a great big unforgettable kiss. Her team of helpers would produce fresh fruit and Caipirinhas and Dayse would tie the welcoming coloured ribbon on everyone’s wrist. The ribbon was tied with three knots, each one signifying a wish – a slightly dangerous routine in Brazil. Some of the ribbons stayed on for over a year.

Her hallmark was the endless supply of traditional Bahia dresses, each worn with 28 petticoats. As a result Dayse took up quite a lot of space. The day then came when this thin lovely lady came up and smiled at me. I did a bad job at disguising the fact that I had never met her until ………..‘Colleeen, Colleeen, it’s me! It’s me, Dayse! I’ll not really large.’ I never made that mistake again.

Apart from welcoming many of the Clipper races to Brazil Dayse did a surprise visit to meet Clipper 98 on its return to Plymouth and also visited Liverpool in 2001. It has been a great delight to have got to know Dayse so well and we still keep in touch with her regular and very distinctive emails. She now lives in Germany although is visiting Salvador at present.

The left hand picture shows Dayse with me and my daughter Sarah and son Ric in Salvador in 1997.


Anonymous said...

yes she's married and live in Bavaria.... and all during 2008 she excchanged a lot of love mail with my husband.... till she announced her coming in Paris to meet him.... with many promises and demands as she explained not to be happy in Germany with a husband who is busy too much... etc.... a very efficient woman (not a lady I think !) with men....

Anonymous said...

Is this "lady" very wonderful ?????
creative, imaginative always in lies...always in seduction projects.... she explained to her husband that a visit to Kholn where she has brazilian friend(s)
was "necessary" and.... she did go with her lover spending a very pleasant and long loving night !!!
always the same the brazilian girl loving white sailing men !!!!one more, once more....